Tuesday, October 30, 2007


By now, many of you know my Dad has been in the hospital for the last two weeks. I try to keep this blog by telling a variety of stories and perspectives and linking out to other people who tell those stories better. However, as personal as this is for me, I want to write and share about my Dad right now. Even to this vague audience of my blog readers - friends, family, those who surf the net.

I was just brushing my teeth and a familiar phrase rang through my mind. "Time to hit the hay - brush your toofies!" Or "Time for school - chop chop! Did you brush your toofies?" I think just about every time I brush my teeth the word "toofies" comes to mind.

This wasn't just when I was little either. When I fell and broke my two front teeth (and got 6 stitches in my lip) a year and a half ago, I stayed home with my parents for a few weeks. When my Dad was concerned about how I felt, he'd ask if my "toofies" hurt. It was just one of those things. Something he said "wrong" even though he knew the correct word. It falls somewhere between dialect, a joke, and just a silly expression. But when you're little and looking up to your Daddy - this can be a confusing thing to hear!

Whenever we would go out to eat as a family, growing up, my Dad always complimented the waitress by saying, "You're a good cook!" When I was really little I just thought that was a nice thing to say. She was a good cook! And amazing that she was able to prepare these dishes in the kitchen and deliver them to us in an orderly fashion. As a I got a little bigger, I called him out on it.

"Dad, she just brings us the food. There's a different person who actually cooks it!"

Dad's subtle sense of humor was lost on me. Not one to explain his jokes, he wouldn't really respond. Here's where the confusion lies. He knew he was saying something that wasn't true - why did he say it?

Again - did I mention the humor of it was lost on me a little?

I get it now. I can't explain it, but I get it. And it makes me laugh.

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