Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A welcome addition

It's been a rough year for my extended Smithhart family. We've lost two of "the brothers" - my Uncle Richard and Uncle Leroy both passed away.

And, of course, my father was in the hospital for weeks on end.

In good news - my Dad is going into Rehab. He'll be strengthening his muscles and working on walking and being a little more independent. This also means my Mom will have some additional time to herself - to work on projects, clean, sleep - just do what she WANTS to do, WHEN she wants to do it. Without 30 people knocking on the door every day.

In other family news, when I was in college, my cousin, Joanna Smithhart, was killed tragically in a car accident. She was 18 and just about to graduate from high school. Losing older relatives is one thing, but this really struck me hard. I also wasn't able to go to her services, so I felt like I never really grieved her death.

Well - her older sister, Holly, just had a baby. And in loving memory of her sister, the baby is named Joanna Maize Smith.

It's nice to have some good news to share on the family front!

1 comment:

GroundedGirl said...

YAY! Wow... your family has been through a lot. Thank goodness you have each other. Welcome to baby Joanna!

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